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Who i am

My picture


Let's just start with telling my name: Patrick. I like everybody to call me 'Pet' though (in dutch, you pronounce 'Patrick' as 'Petrik'). I was born 25 April 1981 in The Hague, The Netherlands. Some quick ones among us, already figured out I am 43 years and 322 days young. Are you one of them? :P. Well, I have a lovely little sister and we differ three years. Since August 2004 I have my very own appartment in the same town I work and live in, Naaldwijk.


After finishing high school, I studied "
Technische Natuurkunde" (translated: Applied Physics) in Rijswijk. After studying three years, this study became too theoretical for me, and a quitted. I'm still very interested in physics/science. During my studytime I parttime worked at a 'Internet Service Provider Custumer Helpdesk Centre', helping custumers to get online, read their e-mail, etc etc. Because I quitted school, I was able to work fulltime, and so I did. My parttime contract at this great ISP in the Netherlands became a fulltime contract. *joy*. I promoted soon, and after that another couple of times :), and well now I am a system/network administrator and a developer all rolled up in one. Well, my hobby became my job, and I really love my job.


I'm busy with
fieldhockey 5 days a week. I'm teaching two hockeyteams, one of which I coach as well. I play in Heren 3, which gained championsship this year! YEAH!

I love sailing, going out, going to the beach, watching a movie. Too I'm very interested in Linux, Unix and everything that comes with it (i.e. Unix security).


I like very much different musicstyles, here is a list of my favorite artists/bands: The Prodigy, Epica, Robbie Williams, After Forever, 80's, Golden Earring, Enya, Norah Jones, Fatboy Slim, Moby, Bon Jovi, RMB, Phil Collins and many others :).

I like watching a movie, here are my favorits: Braveheart, The Gladiator, The Patriot, LotR, (Hackers, Takedown, Sneakers, The Net, AntiTrust, Freedom Downtime, Swordfish).

Well, that's about it,
